What should I stick in my manuscript - S01E004

Welcome to the Making Rooms RPG Podcast. My ruminations on designing, publishing, & finding community for the Explore ROOMS RPG & more.

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Explore ROOM - Book Nooks ROOM


Will Munn - Adept Icarus - Writing a new TTRPG manuscript

  1. Find an indie game you like

  2. Crib their table of contents by writing it in a bullet list.

  3. Figuring out what of this matches the game I’m making, what makes sense.

  4. Remove, replace, and reconfigure that table of contents until it matches what you want,

  5. Find a section you’re excited about, and start writing.

Episode Topic - Why I’m publishing a TTRPG Zine

If you want to support my journey:


Will this art help my Kickstarter fund? S01E005


Emphasizing Setting vs Mechanics? - S01E003