Emphasizing Setting vs Mechanics? - S01E003

Welcome to the Making Rooms RPG Podcast. My ruminations on designing, publishing, & finding community for the Explore ROOMS RPG & more.

If you want to support this journey you can follow my Kickstarter.

Explore ROOM - Unhappy Oyster ROOM


Boa Nepotee - One Shot’s Tavern Discord

When you want to share something, you emphasis whats unique about the experience. Even as a rules lite, unless your system is showcasing an outlandish feature, it's information obtained by the curious.

Episode Topic - Why I’m publishing a TTRPG Zine

  • What I love about the mechanics

  • What I love about the setting

  • In the end I liked the advice I was given to focus on the thing that was most unique. And I wonder, even if the Explore Rooms uber rules-light was the most unique thing in the world, wouldn’t the setting still have a bit of an edge?

  • Mechanics guide us in and get us moving when stuck

  • So I’m focusing on the setting. Let’s go to Roomino!

  • So focus on what’s unique in your creations!

If you want to support my journey:


What should I stick in my manuscript - S01E004


Why Publish a Zine? - S01E002